Daily Post #6

Can being an intentional person have a downside? Is it possible to be so intentional that one suffocates all spontaneity, joy, and “space” for surprise? Christian thinker Os Guinness writes: “For as modern people, we are all to be ‘on purpose’ or ‘purpose-driven.’ We are all to gauge our lives by their constant ‘intentionality.’ We are all to have ‘mission statements’ and ‘measurable outcomes’ to ‘maximize’ every half hour of our waking moments” (The Call). Efficiency is not always healthy from a mental and emotional viewpoint. Efficiency should not always be the goal. Efficient is not the same as excellence. How do you measure whether a day was successful?

I want to recommend an article about the Protestant notion of “vocation” that I have found really helpful and enjoyable. Do you want a stronger sense of God’s purpose for all of life? Then read Gene Edward Veith’s article: “The Doctrine of Vocation.”

If you have a philosophical bent to your nature and want to think through your Christian faith on a deeper, more philosophical level, then subscribe to “The Worldview Bulletin Newsletter.” Theologians and Christian philosophers contribute, the posts are relatively short (for philosophy), and you can read them without being trained for years in philosophy. This is a superb resource and you usually receive one email per week. The church needs more “I don’t just have faith” people. I highly recommend it.

The next Daily Post will be on Wednesday, June 1st.

Published by B.J. Condrey, PhD

Dr. Condrey holds a Bachelor of Arts in both Philosophy and Psychology from the University of Missouri-KC, a Master of Arts in Philosophy from the University of Southern Mississippi, and a Ph.D. in Ethics & Practical Theology from the University of Edinburgh. He is ACSI certified. Dr. Condrey writes courses and teaches Psychology, Bible, and C.S. Lewis at Enlightium Academy, where he began working in 2016. He has served as a youth, young adult, and small group pastor in the local church, and currently teaches Ethics at the University of Southern Mississippi. He has a book published by Wipf & Stock (Breaking Ground) along with other publications. In his spare time, he enjoys reading and writing, spending time with his family, traveling, trout fishing, family hikes, and drinking coffee! He is passionate about helping young people construct a biblical worldview so that their faith involves both the mind and heart. He has been married since 2009 and has two children.

2 thoughts on “Daily Post #6

  1. Thank you, B.J., for mentioning and recommending our Worldview Bulletin to your readers. Grateful for your faithful service and partnership in the gospel.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow. Thanks for reaching out. I really appreciate it. The Worldview Bulletin is so helpful, succinct, and clear. I currently teach philosophy and ethics courses at secular community colleges while applying for FT positions (insanely competitive as you obviously know working in the field). This Bulletin helps me in three ways: (1) confirms at times intellectual intuitions that I have thus giving me more confidence; (2) give me new information and insight; and (3) remind me that being rooted in Christ’s love and keeping the right “tone” is key to apologetics. Thank you. I hope that this is not the last time we chat! Best wishes.


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